Friday, May 9, 2008

Why I Took Up Medical Transcriptions #1

I took up medical transcription because my sun was setting and I had nowhere to go. Sometimes we come to a certain point in our lives where we are left with limited choices. I too come to face to face with this dilemma, but I guess fate was still on my favor. For I stumbled upon medical transcription. I have to be honest though, medical transcription was unfamiliar territory for me. An unrevealed terrain which needs further exploration. Although I had a background in the field related to the medical realm, it never really made a gargantuan difference for technically medical transcription is different. My first month was hell so I had to gather massive amounts of patience just to survive the day-to-day transcription war zone. I kept holding on to creeds just to keep my wits intact and to be sure that my sanity was still with me as my shadow is and of course, prayer was in my arsenal

Alex Bolor
Nursing Undergraduate
MTC Academy Graduate

1 comment:

robin said...

very interesting blog
This blog have nice information for medical transcriptions